
Altmeister Dave Winer ist über den allgegenwärtigen Scobleizer ziemlich genervt:

You can’t be on Twitter or FriendFeed and not be inundated with comments from and about Scoble. I don’t know how he does it, but it’s really annoying. I find myself relaxing when he takes a break from Twitter, for example to fly from Europe to the US. Finally I can speak without having everything one-upped by Scoble. Whatever it is, he’s done it better, or bigger, or with more important people. It’s irritating because I don’t believe it. I’d really like it if he just turned down the volume. Or if there were a way to segment the Twittersphere, I’d like to be in the part where Scoble isn’t the main topic of conversation 24-by-7.

Um so mehr freut es mich, dass Evan in Hamburg auf der MBC09 sein wird, als auf einem eventuellen zeitgleichen Scoble-Event

Twitter Downtime: Scoble ist schuld!

In jüngster Zeit ist Twitter häufig down oder off. Venture Beat erklärt warum [Link via franztoo]:

Tonight, developer Alex Payne wrote a Q&A post on the Twitter Developer Blog in which he answered some users’ questions about Twitter’s recent woes.

Most users of Twitter will single out one person who this points to: blogger and Fast Company employee Robert Scoble.

One particularly interesting question was the following:

charles asks if there’s anything users can do to lighten our load.

To which Payne responded:

The events that hit our system the hardest are generally when “popular” users – that is, users with large numbers of followers and people they’re following – perform a number of actions in rapid succession. This usually results in a number of big queries that pile up in our database(s). Not running scripts to follow thousands of users at a time would be a help, but that’s behavior we have to limit on our side.

So, jetzt wissen wir, wohin das führt mit 25.000+ Followern und mit 21.000+ Leuten, denen er folgt. Robert, werde einfach nicht unkontrolliert hektisch bitte ab jetzt… Ruby sei übrigens nicht Schuld an den ganzen Malaisen, meimt Payne.